CFM Indosuez Wealth Management ANNUAL REPORT 2022

149 NOTE 24 Gains or losses on trading portfolio transactions (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 On trading securities 2,386 4,230 On foreign currency transactions and similar financial instruments 17,447 6,660 Balance of trading portfolio transactions 19,833 10,890 NOTE 25 Gains or losses on investment portfolio transactions (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 Investment securities Net gains -1 -4 Net changes in provisions -27 -55 Net amount -28 -59 NOTE 26 Other banking operating income and expenses (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 Products Share in joint ventures 1 0 Re-invoiced and reclassified expenses 26 33 Sundry income from banking operations 2,698 2,635 Other income 81 79 Total income 2,806 2,747 Expenses Share in joint ventures -959 -885 Miscellaneous banking operating expenses -27,510 -26,309 Total expenses -28,469 -27,194 Net total -25,663 -24,447 NOTE 27 Operating expenses (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 Staff costs Wages and salaries 41,282 40,808 Incentives 959 553 Social security charges 13,997 13,245 Total personnel expenses 56,238 54,606 Administrative expenses 39,050 33.689 o/w Statutory Auditors’ fees 166 160 o/w head office expenses 4,187 2,638 Of which rebilled to subsidiaries (1) -1,937 -1,702 Total operating expenses 95,288 88,295 (1) In 2022, re-invoicing will amount to €1,937k (compared with €1,702k on 31/12/2021)