CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

21 TRANSFORMATION IS USUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH INNOVATION. WHAT INNOVATION WOULD YOU RETAIN FROM 2021? For 2021, I would highlight the strengthening of the feedback culture, which is essential for continuous improvement. Convinced that feedback is a tool for individual development and collective performance improvement, we launched a dedicated application accessible to everyone. It makes it possible to ask for and receive personal development feedback in a matter of minutes. It therefore contributes to transforming the businessmodel to serve our customers and to instilling a new, more collaborative corporate culture, encouraging initiative at all levels. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT FEEDBACK CONTRIBUTES TO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TRAINING OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGE MANAGEMENT? On themore specific subject of training, one year after the launch of ourDigital Academy, a libraryof onlinecontent and toolsenabling everyone to develop at their own pace, the topics covered have been greatly expanded: languages, office automation, new technologies, CSR and training on the behavioural skills of transformation. Personal development is now a very important issue for Indosuez employees. Since 2021, we have been organising regular events, through dedicated internal communication, on themes that alternate between personal development and strategic issues. Thus, for example, knowledge of theGroup, theAgile culture, the fundamentals of CSR, thecircular economy, well-beingatwork, diversity and inclusion, managerial transition, the importance of feedback, surpassing oneself, etc. Many of these themes can be studied in greater depth by employees at the Digital Academy or as part of dedicated programmes, such as the Agile training given to 140 employees in the Organisation/MOA & Digital business lines of Indosuez and Azqore. CAN YOU REVIEW YOUR COMMITMENTS ON GENDER AND DIVERSITY AND THE PROGRESS MADE IN 2021? The promotion of diversity is at the heart of the Human Project of our business plan. The promotion of gender diversity is a longterm priority. We have specifically reiterated our commitments through an equal opportunities charter. Our leadershipmentoring programme was renewed in 2022. We have also deployed dedicated training courses for female employees at the beginning of their careers, and we have increased the number of women's voices through, for example, profiles that are regularly circulated internally and externally. At the end of December 2021, we had 31%women inmanagement bodies. The relevance of this proactive gender strategy has been recognised with three awards in Europe and Asia over the past year. Furthermore, in a particularly difficult context for younger generations without professional experience, wewanted to facilitate access to the professional world for young graduates and students. More than 120 young people have been immersed in our group through internships, professional training contracts or VIEs (Volunteer for International Experience). WHAT ABOUT A FEW WORDS REGARDING 2022? In a complex and uncertain world, it is the strength of our team that enables us to adapt and transformourselves to bestmeet our customers' expectations.Wewill continue tostrengthen thepower of this collective by ensuring that it is enhanced by the diversity of the profiles and experiences of our Company's women and men. Our ambition is also toencourage individual responsibility to serve this collective. How?By transforming ourmanagement culture, by encouraging initiative-takingandcross-functionality, andby allowing each person to take charge of his or her career by developing both digital and behavioural skills. A l so deve l oped w i t h i n CA I ndosue z (Sw i t ze r l and) SA: Face - to - f ace t r a i n i ng on good p r ac t i ce i n feedback Awa r enes s - r a i s i ng wo r k shops fo r manage r s on i nc l us i ve managemen t Our c ro s s-depar tment a l exchang e p rog ramme , ca l l ed Shadowi ng , wa s s e t up t o s t reng t hen c o l l abo ra t i on b e twe en t eams i n o rde r t o b e t t e r s e r ve our c u s t ome r s . T h i s p rog ramme i s a l s o a l eve r fo r pe r s ona l deve l opment , a t heme t o wh i ch we a t t ach g rea t impo r t anc e . A l i n e K l e i n f e r c h e r, He a d o f Huma n Re s o u r c e s CA I n d o s u e z (Sw i t z e r l a n d ) SA