CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

17 IS ASSET ENGINEERING STILL AT THE HEART OF A WEALTH MANAGEMENT BANK'S OFFERING? A global and holistic approach inevitably integrates asset structuring. At Indosuez, the components of the added valuewe deliver to our customers depend on their profile, their expectations, their asset diversification and, of course, the economic cycle and the state of the financial markets. They are therefore evolving. For example, in 2021, in the context of the pandemic and our customers' greater search for meaning, we have noted a strong increase in demand for investment in real assets, particularly property and private equity. In all cases, awell-balanced asset portfolio requires precise structuringwith informed advice, particularly in viewof the regulatory inflationof recent years.We consider that it is our duty as a private banker to contribute to the preservation of our customers' assets and to support them in their architecture. So, logically, we are seeing an increasing number of customer appointments made each year by our wealth engineering experts. HOW SHOULD YOUR FINANCING PROPOSAL BE QUALIFIED? We have an attractive complex financing offering thanks to the strength of the Group and our agile structure, which enables us to meet themost sophisticated requirements ina responsivemanner. Wearealsoseeinganupwardtrend inoutstanding loans, particularly due to new transactions in the ultra-large customer segment. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR APPROACH TO THE MOST AFFLUENT CUSTOMERS? We decided to combine our expertisewith that of Crédit Agricole CIB andwe have jointly created Private Investment Banking (PIB), a teamdesigned to support large family fortunes and holdings on a global scale. The aim is to better understand the needs of decision-makers and family members through a joint business approach and to provide themwith a comprehensive offering. PIB is able tomobilise all the Group's specialists in record time to respond to a particular large-scale problem. For example, managing to bring together Indosuez's financing, M&A and coverage teams from Crédit Agricole CIB in less than 24 hours is a real differentiating factor. Furthermore, being able to respond to this customer segment at all times alsomeans being able to exploit synergies with the other entities of the Group, to innovate and to guarantee impeccable quality. In this way, our dedicated approach to high net worth customers feeds into our standard offering, contributes to our competitiveness and our image in the market. WHAT ABOUT A FEW WORDS REGARDING 2022? The year 2022 is expected to be marked by a volatile market environment against a background of geopolitical and inflationary tensions. Our proactivity in informing our customers, deciphering trends and providing them with innovative solutions to these challengeswill be key. To this end, we are currently strengthening our marketing and distribution capabilities. At the same time, we are accelerating the exploration of new territories that will allow us to broaden our value proposition in the coming months; for example, strengthening our property and Private Equity offering. Finally, the deployment of newdigital tools will be an opportunity to strengthen the customer experience. Our s t rong expe r t i s e , ba s ed on 20 y ear s o f expe r i enc e i n p r i va t e e qu i t y , enab l e s u s t o o f fe r a b road , d i ve r s i f i ed and d i s t i nc t i ve p roduc t rang e t o our l ar g e c u s t ome r ba s e . Our c u s t ome r s have ac c e s s t o one o f t he mo s t c omp rehen s i ve s u s t a i nab l e f i nanc e o f fe r i ng s t hrough an ESG ra t i ng s y s t em on ove r 1 1 , 000 c ompan i e s , a wi de rang e o f SFDR 8- and 9 - ra t ed f und s and g re en s t r uc t ured p roduc t s . I s a b e l l e Ja c ob - Ne bo u t , He a d o f We a l t h Ma n a g eme n t CA I n d o s u e z (Sw i t z e r l a n d ) SA