CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

94 FINANCIAL ASSETS SUBJECT TO IMPAIRMENT REQUIREMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 2021 Maximum credit risk exposure Credit risk mitigation Assets held as collateral Other credit enhancement techniques (in thousands of euros) Financial instruments received as collateral Mortgages Pledges Surety bonds and other financial guarantees Credit derivatives Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income that may be reclassified: of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from credit institutions of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from customers of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Debt securities of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Financial assets at amortised cost 5,190,402 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 1,731 Loans and receivables due from credit institutions 1,416,089 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from customers 3,709,662 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 1,731 Debt securities 64,651 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Total 5,190,402 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 1,731 AT 31 DECEMBER 2020 Maximum credit risk exposure Credit risk mitigation Assets held as collateral Other credit enhancement techniques (in thousands of euros) Financial instruments received as collateral Mortgages Pledges Surety bonds and other financial guarantees Credit derivatives Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income that may be reclassified: of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from credit institutions of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from customers of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Debt securities of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Financial assets at amortised cost 5,158,384 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 2,038 Loans and receivables due from credit institutions 1,670,568 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Loans and receivables due from customers 3,336,374 656,259 2,532,450 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 2,038 Debt securities 151,442 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date Total 5,158,384 of which: impaired assets as of the balance sheet date 2,038