CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

73 provisioning for credit risk" (without affecting the fair value in the balance sheet). Debt instruments at fair value through profit or loss Debt instruments aremeasured at fair value through profit or loss in the following cases: - The instruments are classified in portfolios consisting of financial assets held for trading or whose main purpose is their sale; Financial assets held for trading are assets acquired or generated by the business primarily for the purpose of selling them in the short termor as part of a portfolio of instruments jointlymanaged for the purpose of obtaining a profit related to short-term price fluctuations or an arbitraging margin. Although contractual cash flows are collected during the time that CFM Indosuez Wealth Group holds the assets, the collection of these contractual cash flows is not essential but incidental. - Debt instruments that do notmeet the “SPPI” test criteria. This is notably the case for mutual funds; - Financial instruments classified in portfolios for which CFM Indosuez Wealth chooses valuation at fair value in order to reduce a difference in accounting treatment in the income statement. In this case, these instruments are designated at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognisedat fair value, excluding transaction costs (directly recorded inprofit or loss) and includingaccrued interest. They are subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised inprofit or loss, under Net Banking Income (NBI), against Outstandings. Interest on these instruments is recognised under “net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss”. No impairment for credit risk is recorded on this category of financial assets. Debt instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss by nature whose business model is "Other/Sale" are recorded at the trade date. Debt instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss are recorded at the trade date. Debt instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss by nature, by failing the SPPI test, are recorded at the settlement date. Equity instruments Equity instruments are by default recognised at fair value through profit or loss, except in the case of the irrevocable option for classification at fair value through other comprehensive income on items that may not be reclassified, provided that these instruments are not held for trading purposes. Equity instruments at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognisedat fair value, excluding transaction costs (directly recorded in profit or loss). Equity instruments held for trading are recorded on the trade date. Equity instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss and not held for trading are recorded at settlement date. They are subsequently measured at fair value and changes in fair value are recognised inprofit or loss, under Net Banking Income (NBI), against Outstandings. This category of financial assets is not impaired. Equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income not recyclable to income (irrevocable option) The irrevocable option to recognise equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income on items that may not be reclassified is adopted at the transactional level (line by line) and applies from the date of initial recognition. These securities are recorded at the trade date. The initial fair value includes transaction costs. During subsequent valuations, changes in fair value are recognised in other comprehensive income on items that may not be reclassified. In the event of disposal, these changes are not reclassified to profit or loss, and the gain or loss on disposal is recognised in other comprehensive income. Only dividends are recognised in income if: - the entity's right to collect payment is established; - It is likely that the economic benefits associated with the dividends will flow to the entity; - the amount of dividends can be reliably measured. Reclassification of financial assets In the event of amajor change in the businessmodel for the management of financial assets (new business, acquisition of entities, sale or discontinuation of a significant activity), a reclassification of these financial assets is required. Reclassification applies to all financial assets in the portfolio from the date of reclassification. In other cases, the business model remains unchanged for existing financial assets. If anewbusinessmodel is identified, it applies prospectively to new financial assets grouped in a newmanagement portfolio. Temporary investment in / disposal of securities Temporary disposals of securities (loans of securities, securitiessoldunder repurchaseagreements) donot generally meet the conditions for derecognition. Securities lent or sold under repurchase agreements remain on the balance sheet. In the case of securities sold under repurchase agreements, the amount received, representing the liability in regard to the transferee, is recorded on the liabilities side of the balance sheet by the transferor. Securitiesborrowedor receivedunder repurchaseagreements are not entered on the transferee’s balance sheet.