CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

PUBLIC 100% 25% 29.3% INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS 7.3% INDIVIDUAL SHAREHOLDERS 5.1% EMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PLANS (ESOP) 2.8 % (1) TREASURY SHARES REGIONAL BANKS 11.2.million MUTUAL SHAREHOLDERS who hold mutual shares in 2,406 LOCAL BANKS 39 REGIONAL BANKS together holding the majority of the capital of CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A. via SAS Rue la Boétie (2) Sacam Mutualisation Fédération Nationale du Crédit Agricole (FNCA) Political link HOLDING 44,5% HOLDING 55,5% (1) Treasury shares including share buybacks in 2021 that will be cancelled in 2022. After the cancellation of 87,673,241 shares, treasury shares will be insignificant and the holding of SAS Rue de la Boétie will increase to approximately 57%. (2) The Regional Bank of Corsica, 99.9% owned by Crédit Agricole S.A., is a shareholder of Sacam Mutualisation. MAJOR CUSTOMERS SPECIALISED FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY BANK SPECIALISED ACTIVITIES AND SUBSIDIARIES MANAGEMENT OF SAVINGS AND INSURANCE Créd i t Ag r i c o l e Group i nc l ude s Créd i t Ag r i c o l e S . A . , a s we l l a s a l l t h e Re g i ona l Bank s and Lo ca l Bank s and t h e i r s ub s i d i ar i e s . 6 THE GROUP Crédit Agricole