CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

54 Financial year ended on 31 December 2021 D i d i er Mek i es Statutory Auditor Fr anço i s Br ych Statutory Auditor Dear Shareholders, In this report, we provide information on the audit of your Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ending on 31 December 2021, prepared in accordance with IFRS accounting principles. The global crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic creates special conditions for the preparation and audit of this year's financial statements. Indeed, this crisis and theexceptionalmeasures taken in thecontext of the stateof healthemergency arehavingmultiple consequences for businesses, particularlyon their activity and financing, aswell as increasinguncertainty about their futureprospects. Someof thesemeasures, suchas travel restrictionsand teleworking, havealsohadan impact on the internal organisationof companies and on the way audits are carried out. The consolidated annual financial statements were approved by your Board of Directors. These documents were drawn up in the same format and using the same accountingmethods as in the previous financial year. It is our responsibility, based on our audit, to express an opinion on these accounts. We conducted our audit according to applicable professional standards; those standards require that we plan and performthe audit toobtain reasonable assurance aboutwhether the consolidated annual accounts are freeofmaterialmisstatement. An audit consists of verifying, by sampling or other selectionmethods, the items justifying the amounts and information contained in the consolidated annual financial statements. It also involves assessing the accounting principles used, the significant estimatesmade and the overall presentation of the accounts. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. We hereby certify that the consolidated annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, financial position and results of the group composed of the persons and entities included in the consolidation. In accordancewith the standards of the profession, we have also verified the information related to the Group provided in the report of your Board of Directors. We have no matters to report as to the fair presentation and the consistency of this information with the consolidated financial statements. Without calling into question the opinion expressed above, we drawyour attention to paragraph 1.1 of Note 1 "Principles andmethods applicable in the Group, judgements and estimates used" and to Note 6.14 "Provisions" of the notes to the consolidated financial statements, which sets out the impacts of the change in accountingmethod in connectionwith the application of the IFRICdecision on the calculation of commitments relating to certain defined benefit plans. Issued in Monaco on 03 May 2022 STATUTORY AUDITORS' REPORT on the consolidated financial statements