CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

23 employees and customers. They are welcomed, for example, to collect their opinions and recommendations on our prototypes or the development of our tools. This was the case, in particular, during the redesign of E/M-Banking. In order to acculturate all employees, Lunch&Learn conferences on innovation-related topics are organised in all Indosuez entities. The year 2021marked a newcultural turning point with the launch of the first ideas challenge, whichbrought together 955employees and led to the emergence of 328 ideas to improve the customer and employee experience. The 5 winning ideas have been developed and more will be developed in the coming months. WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT THE ONGOING TRANSFORMATION FOR EMPLOYEES? Simplifying, streamlining and automating processes that can be automated certainly improves our operational efficiency and the experience of our employees, but it also inevitably contributes to the quality of service offered to our customers. We also ensure that we maintain our momentum for innovation on multiple topics and that it permeates all levels of our organisation. As an example, we have used artificial intelligence and natural language text generation towrite qualitativemanagement comments in mandate and fund reports. We have also built an Intranet of offerings and products, developed a tool for simplified and digitised access to cross-border rules, and harnessed synergies with the Group's entities as part of the adoption of the Alto management interface. This investment fundmanagement tool developed by Amundi offers managers simple access to a 360° viewof the information required to analyse, monitor andmanage portfolios in order to make investment decisions. These so-called "short-cycle" initiatives are deployed alongside strategic, structuring transformation projects such as CLM (customer lifecyclemanagement tool) and are generally led by Product Owners whose task is to coordinate all those required to create value from their digital product. They are supported by a product team (developers, designers, production, etc.) and take care to gather user feedback in order to develop features with greater added value. They usually operate using agile methods. WHAT ABOUT A FEW WORDS REGARDING 2022? The challenge for 2022 will be to strengthen the adoption of the new tools by customers, bankers and experts for a seamless process. We will also capitalise on successful experiences to further develop innovative ideas, especially those shared during the ideas challenge. And then we will fulfil our primary task of serving all our customers and employees. I am thinking in particular of the services that we will make available to our Next Gen customers or, on the employee side, of the devices that we will help to perfect to increase our operational efficiency. Wi t h a 20% i nc rea s e i n s ub s c r i p t i on s t o on l i ne s e r v i c e s ove r t he y ear, our c u s t ome r s ' appe t i t e fo r t he aut onomy o f fe red by eBank i ng i s c onf i rmed . To da t e , 5 emp l oy e e s have t ak en on t he ro l e o f i nt rap reneur s , mu l t i p l y i ng t he impac t o f our d i g i t a l t ran s fo rma t i on . B a p t i s t e A n c e y , He a d o f I n n o v a t i on a n d D i g i t a l Tr a n s f o r ma t i on , CA I n d o s u e z (Sw i t z e r l a n d ) SA