CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

166 NOTE 27 Operating expenses (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Staff costs Wages and salaries 40,809 37,376 Incentives 553 408 Social security charges 13,245 12,403 Total personnel expenses 54,607 50,188 Administrative expenses 33,688 31,603 o/w Statutory Auditors’ fees 160 157 o/w head office expenses 2,638 2,936 o/w transactions with subsidiaries * -1,702 -1,433 Total operating expenses 88,295 81,791 * In 2021, inter-company transactions amounted to €1,702k (compared with €1,433k as at 31/12/2020) NOTE 28 Cost of risk (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Reversals of provisions for contingencies and charges 953 540 Reversals of provisions for non-performing receivables 2,418 920 Miscellaneous income 0 0 Total income 3,371 1,460 Provisions for non-performing receivables and other assets -152 -298 Losses on irrecoverable receivables covered by a provision -2,230 -1,068 Allocations to provisions for contingencies and charges 793 -1,547 Miscellaneous expenses 0 0 Total expenses -1,589 -2,913 Total 1,782 -1,453 NOTE 29 Gains and losses on fixed assets (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Gains on the disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 0 16 Losses on the disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -1 -10 Gains on the disposal of long-term investments Allocations to and reversals of provisions for impairment of long-term investments Total -1 6