CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

157 The depreciation and amortisation periods applied are as follows: Component Depreciation/ Amortisation period Buildings 30 to 50 years Fixtures & fittings 6 to 10 years Furniture & equipment 5 to 10 years Transport equipment 5 years IT equipment 3 years Software and other intangible non-current assets 1 to 7 years F) Provisions for customer-related risk Provisions for customer-related risk are recorded in accordance with the risk of loss as soon as those risks are known; these provisions are deducted from assets, where they relate to non-performing receivables. In other cases, they are recorded as liabilities. G) Retirement pensions Retirement pensions payable under themandatory pension schemes to which employers and employees contribute are paid by specialised external bodies. The contributions due for the financial year are recognised in the income statement for the period. The bank raised the provision for retirement benefits to €3,994 million in 2021. Accounting implications of the April 2021 IFRS IC decision on allocating post-employment benefits to periods of service for defined benefit plans In December 2020, the IFRS IC received a question on the methodology for calculating actuarial liabilities for defined benefit plans and on the vesting period to be used where there is a cap on the number of years of service giving rise to thegrantingof rights. Among several approaches analysed, the IFRS IC retained the approach of straight-lining over the capped period prior to the retirement age at which the rights can be obtained. The plans affected by the IFRS IC IAS 19 decision are those for which: The granting of rights depends on being present in the company at the time of retirement (with loss of all rights in the event of early retirement); Entitlements depend on seniority, but are capped after a certain number of years of service. The impact of first-time application is recognised against retained earnings (see Note 17 on equity): it amounts to 220,000 euros. H) Other employee commitments The bonuses for long-service awards paid to employees are included in personnel expenses. The provision corresponding to the entitlements earned by staff in connection with these bonuses amounted to €1,238,000 at the end of the financial year. NOTE 2 Equivalent value of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Total assets in foreign currencies 1,911,007 1,858,013 Total liabilities in foreign currencies 1,910,844 1,857,642 NOTE 3 Loans and receivables due from credit institutions (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Pro format 31/12/2020 Accounts and loans demand 211,649 114,038 513,042 overnight (1) 244,467 399,004 0 term 946,970 1,151,034 1,151,034 accrued interest 3,578 222 222 Securities received under reverse delivery repurchase agreements (2) 9,607 6,477 0 Total amounts due from credit institutions(2) 1,416,271 1,670.775 1,664,298 Impairments 0 0 0 Net balance sheet value 1,416,271 1,670,775 1,664,298 (1) Overnight accounts and loans have been included in this iteminbothyears.The2020accountsarepresentedinarestated version to reflect the reclassification of overnight accounts and loans fromthe "sight" linetothe "overnight" line. Theamount of this reclassificationwithin the note is €399million. (2) The 2020 financial statements are presented in a restated version to take into account the reclassification of securities received under repurchase agreements from "Bonds and other fixed-income securities" to "Loans and advances to credit institutions", in accordance with market practices, the study of texts and the recommendations of our auditors. The amount of this reclassification is €6.5 million.