CFM Indosuez Wealth Management // Annual report 2021

124 4.3 NET GAINS OR LOSSES ON FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 Dividends received - Unrealised or realised gains or losses on assets/liabilities held for trading 3,908 Unrealised or realised gains or losses on equity instruments at fair value through profit or loss - Unrealised or realised capital gains or losses on debt instruments that do not meet SPPI criteria 443 Net gains or losses on assets representing unit-linked policies - Unrealised or realised gains or losses on assets/liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss - Balance of foreign exchange transactions and similar financial instruments (excluding gains or losses from hedges of net investments in foreign operations) 6,082 Total gains (losses) from hedge accounting 1 Net gains (losses) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 10,434 (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2020 Dividends received Unrealised or realised gains or losses on assets/liabilities held for trading 4,678 Unrealised or realised gains or losses on equity instruments at fair value through profit or loss Unrealised or realised capital gains or losses on debt instruments that do not meet SPPI criteria 290 Net gains or losses on assets representing unit-linked policies Unrealised or realised gains or losses on assets/liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss Balance of foreign exchange transactions and similar financial instruments (excluding gains or losses from hedges of net investments in foreign operations) 9,719 Total gains (losses) from hedge accounting 81 Net gains (losses) on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 14,768 (1) Excluding issuer credit spread for liabilities at fair value through profit or loss under option (unless the standard allows for an exception to eliminate or reduce a mismatch in the income statement). THE BREAKDOWN OF GAINS AND LOSSES FROM HEDGE ACCOUNTING IS AS FOLLOWS: 31/12/2021 (in thousands of euros) Products Losses Net Fair value hedges 0 0 0 Changes in the fair value of hedged items attributable to hedged risks 0 Changes in fair value of hedging derivatives (including hedge terminations) 0 Cash flow hedges 0 0 0 Changes in fair value of hedging derivatives - ineffective portion 0 Hedges of net investments in foreign operations 0 0 0 Changes in fair value of hedging derivatives - ineffective portion 0 Fair value hedging of the interest rate risk exposure of a portfolio of financial instruments 9,687 -9,686 1 Changes in fair value of hedged items 9,687 9,687 Changes in fair value of hedging derivatives -9,686 -9,686 Cash flow hedging of the interest rate risk exposure of a portfolio of financial instruments 0 0 0 Changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument - ineffective portion 0 Total gains and losses from hedge accounting 9,687 -9,686 1